Add favorites in Listify

In this tutorial we are going to see how to offer the possibility for users to mark as favorites the listings they want in the template Listify.

For this we are going to use a plugin that you have available in the Premium Zone.

If you are not subscribed to the Premium Zone you can give sign up for €10/month here

The result will be the following:

favorite hearts listify

And within the list we will see it as follows:

favorites listify list

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Once we have the plugin we install it in the same way that we install any other plugin.

Once installed, without doing anything else, the little heart will appear in each listing. Without any major configuration.

If we are web users and we click on the little heart, it allows us to add notes to the favorite and add it to a list to sort our favorites.

notes favorites listify

All of the above without having to do any configuration, but this does not mean that we cannot configure some of the options.

To go to the options we have to go to Settings —> Favorites

favorites listify settings

  • General We can choose the default lists
  • Pages We can choose which page will have the favorites of each user
  • labels We can change the texts used in the plugin

The most interesting option is Pages since we can choose which page we want users to see their favorites on.

By default we create the favorites page with the following shortcode:

favorites shortcode

We can use the page that the plugin creates by default or create any page and add the following shortcode or shortcode:


Add Favorites in the user menu

To finish off the move, we would need to add the "My Favorites" option to the user menu.

listify favorites menu

To do so we just have to add the favorites page to the Tertiary Menu

menu tertiary listify

On the favorites page we will see a table with all the favorites that we are saving:

my favorites listify
I hope you liked it 😉

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