Add products within the listings in Listify

Many times we will want to add products for sale within the Listify listings.

Listify works with WooCommerce but one more plugin is needed to achieve this, namely WP Job Manager Product

WP Job Manager Product is paid but you have it available in the Premium Zone if you are a Student.

In the following tutorial I explain the procedure step by step:

To see the course you have to be a Premium Member. If you are not subscribed to the Premium Zone you can give sign up for €10/month here

Add products within the listings in Listify

product wp listify

We have the possibility that each user can only add their own products or those of anyone.

This option especially makes sense if we use a plugin like WooCommerce Product Vendors.

To add the products we need to do two things:

  • Add the product in WooCommerce like any other product
  • make visible in the corresponding listing

Once the product is added to the product, if we go to the list, we can see that apparently nothing has happened.

But don't worry, it has an easy solution 😉

In the video explain why it happens and how to correct it.

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