Show the sales of a live website with Beeketing Sales Pop

Hi guys, how are you?

Today I bring you a very interesting tutorial, where we will see how to display the sales made in our WooCommerce store on our website.

You may be wondering, what is this for?

Showing pop-ups with sales made in previous days will help encourage other people to buy, as they will feel more confident knowing that others have already bought.

Let's use the tool Beekeeping.
To access it we must enter the following link:

beeking home

Beekeeping It is a Marketing platform with different tools to increase the sales of our store. Some applications are free, like the one we see in this tutorial, but others are paid. They offer 13 applications, of which 4 are paid.

plugin beekting 01

plugs beekting 02

In this tutorial we are going to see the free application Pop Salts. I hope you like it 😉

As I mentioned at the beginning, this application is responsible for displaying personalized pop-up windows, where it tells your website visitors who have made purchases, what product they have purchased, where the visitor is from and how long ago it was made.

This is a sample of how it would look on a website, once the application is configured:

popup beekting

To achieve this result we should do the following:

The first thing we have to do is create an account and sign up for Beeketing. To do this, we are going to:

beeking register

We place our Email, create a password and click Sign up.

Now it will ask us what tool we work with our Online store, in my example I select WooCommerce and secondly it asks me to place my domain.

I click Add Shop:

beeking register woocommerce

Now it will ask you to install the Beeketing plugin:

install beekting plugin

It will automatically direct you to your WordPress page to download the Beeketing Plugin for Woocommerce:

wordpress beekting woocommerce

Since I have it installed, in my case it asks me to do the update. In your case you must install and activate it.

Already inside your WordPress you will have a screen like this:

beeking apps list

In the Menu list you will see the icon Beekeeping and inside the list of applications with which you can work.

Let's select Pop Salts and click on Get app:

It will take us to the website so that we can make the corresponding configurations:

beeketing sales pop

On the left side we have the main menu.

The options are as follows:

  1. Dashboard = Main Dashboard
  2. Notifications = We will be able to view notifications of purchases that customers have made. You can edit them, deactivating the ones you don't want to appear.

beekting notifications

  1. Design = This third option allows us to choose the design of the pop-up box that will appear on our website

    a. First you must choose the design among the options that are shown and on the right side you can see how it would look.

beeking design

b. The second thing is to choose the theme, you can choose a basic theme, according to the festivities or customize it to your liking.

beeketing sales design

  1. Configuration = Here we will be able to configure in detail how I want to show my sales

beeketing settings sales

The first option is Sales Notifications, if we click on Settings, we will see a screen like this:

beeketing sales notification

Here we are going to configure how we want the message to be displayed. The first thing is the title, we have default options that will show: The first name of the person, the city, the country, full name, etc... We can play with all the options.

For my example, I'll display the person's first name and where they're from:

beekting title notification

The second option is the product name. I recommend leaving it as default, but know that you can also modify it.

product link beekting

And thirdly, the time, how many days ago the product was purchased, in the same way I recommend leaving it by default, as it is.

beeking time ago

If we have modified something, do not forget to save the configuration.

We return and finally click on the general settings of the App (Slide to the last option)

beekting settings

The first thing will be to select where I want the popup to appear, I can choose at the bottom or top and on the left or right side

Second, I will indicate how much time there will be (Seconds) between two notifications.

The third thing is the Display Time, I have to say for how long I want to show my window each time it appears.

In fourth place I have Maximum per page, where I must say how many notifications I want to show at most per page.

If what I want is for the sales to be displayed randomly, I select: display notifications in random order

beeking position

I can also configure what will be displayed on a mobile device, whether it will be displayed at the bottom or top.

beeketing sales pop

The next option is: "Only display synced orders that created within the last"

I have to indicate the number of days I want to show my sales, ie. If I put 60 (as it comes by default) I am telling them to show the sales of the last 60 days.

In the Translate section I must change what I want to show to the Spanish language.

Once the configuration is finished, click on Save Settings

Ready, that would be all and now it only remains to go to our website to see how our application would look

I hope you liked this video and find it very useful 🙂

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