Change in the Jessica template the title from Upper Case to Lower Case and change the text of the categories menu (video)

In this video I explain how to change the title text from uppercase to lowercase.
It is a simple change but to do it we will have to touch the style sheet file of our template.

If you don't have the Jessica template installed, here's a full tutorial so you can do it.

To remove the uppercase you just have to go to the style.css file and remove the line text-transform: uppercase;
The code is this:

.site-title {
	font-family: 'Roboto Slab', serif;
	font-size: 51px;
	font-size: 5.1rem;
	font-weight: 300;
	line-height: 1;
	text-transform: uppercase;

It's on line 3472 and removing the last line you have it done 😉

Here is the video process.

Change the menu text below the slide

If you have added the demo content of the template it is possible that you will not find the option to change the second line of the menu.

Specifically, I am referring to this text:

Changing this text is very simple, the only problem is that the option is disabled and is not visible unless you activate it.

To do this you have to go to Appearance –> Menu and in the screen options and activate Show the description.
In this way the description will appear in each menu item as you can see in the following screen:


If you want to see the process in video here it is:

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I hope you like it 😉

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