Change permalink of project content type in DIVI

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You have to add the following code in the functions.php file of your template:

add_filter( 'et_project_posttype_rewrite_args', 'wpc_projects_slug', 10, 2 );
function wpc_projects_slug( $slug ) {
$slug = array( 'slug' => 'URL que deseas para Proyectos' );
return $slug;

Remember that for the changes to take effect, you have to go to Settings –> Permalinks and without touching anything you save the changes.

I hope it will be useful to you 😉

7 comments on “Change permalink of the project content type in DIVI”

  1. Hello Oscar:

    I have seen this same problem in other templates. For example, for Listify and Listable, the job slug always appears and I only want the category to appear and then the title of the listing so that SEO works much better.

    Is there any code like this to help me suppress the slug from working?
    You are very kind as always, your help and support is great. I am a member of the premium zone and it is the best investment I have made. Thank you

    • Thank you very much for your words friend 😉
      I'm afraid that listable and listify do not recommend removing the word from the slug, the creators of the template themselves 🙁
      A hug!!!!

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