Change or Hide Category Description in GeneratePress

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Hi guys!!!

In this tutorial we are going to see how we can change the description text of the categories.

Let's do it with the GeneratePress template.

In my specific case, the description appears above the posts and I want to change it and put it below.

In this way I can create a text thinking about SEO but visually the users will see the posts as soon as they arrive, which will improve user retention on the page.

What do we need to do the tutorial

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We want to put the category description below the posts, to do this, first we are going to remove the description and then we will add it in the place we want.

Remove Category Description in GeneratePress

To do this we are going to need to add some custom code. Let's use the plugin Code Snippets.

add_action( 'wp', function() {
    remove_action( 'generate_after_archive_title', 'generate_do_archive_description' );
} );
Capture code snippets with a code to remove the text from the category description

Change site or add the description of the category where we want

Now that we've removed the description text from above altogether. Place where we did not want it, we are going to add it under the posts.

For them we need the premium version of GeneratePress since we are going to use Elements.

You have available for FREE GeneratePress in the Premium Zone

We add a new block type element and in the body of the content we add a GeneratePress dynamic content field of the type Term Description:

Dynamic content of type Term Description

In the options below we choose where we want it to appear, in our case on the category pages, so in position we add the option File Entry Category

We only need one step, choose the specific place that we want it to appear. For this, in the options on the side, we choose Element Type: Hook and in Hook Name after_main_content

option where we want the after_main_content hook block to appear

If everything went well, if you go to any category, the category description text should appear below each category.

I hope it has been useful to you 😉

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