How to Make a Page

Create Ads with recurring payment in Listable

Hello guys,

I bring you two new videos of the Listable template course. We already have 12 videos in the course 😉

This time we see how we can charge on a recurring basis when customers add ads to our website.

To achieve this functionality we use the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension. The extension costs $199 but if you are a premium member you have it available in the premium area free 😉

To view this content you must be a member of the Premium Zone, If you are not subscribed to the Premium Zone you can give sign up for €10/month here

11 Create a recurring product in Listable


12 Set up recurring payments with Paypal and Stripe

To configure recurring payments we will have to configure our Paypal and Stripe accounts as you can see in the video. It's a bit more complicated than a normal product store but as you can see in the videos it's not that difficult 😉

I hope it is useful to you

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