Create Subpages in WordPress

Hi guys, how are you?

I am going to make a very short video to teach you how to make Subpages, that is, pages within other pages.

It is something very simple but it can be very useful.

What is this going to do for me?

Let's imagine that we are doing a course, in our case, a course on "How to make money with YouTube"

breadcrumb subpages

If I go into a lesson, I would like to make it easy for students to be able to go back to the course cover with a single click.

wp lessons subpages

How have I managed to do it?

Here is the video tutorial:

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In a very simple way, what I did was that the last page you are seeing is a subpage of the main page.

To achieve this, I must go to the Page Attributes section on the right side of my editor and where it says top, select the main page that I want to be the main page of my course.

It sounds more difficult than it really is:

top page wp

Once the selection is made, I click on update and view page, we will be able to realize that the current page is already a child of the main one and in this way it will be possible to navigate very easily within the course.

WordPress child page

As you can see, it is very simple and can help us a lot. Sometimes we go crazy installing external plugins to do things that come standard in WordPress itself.

I hope you liked it, see you in the next video.

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