CSS Course for WordPress: Style Rules

In this second lesson of the CSS for WordPress course we are going to see what each style rule is made of and how they behave.

When we open a CSS file, if you are not familiar, it may seem “Chinese”. Believe me, it's simple.

The problem is that we do not know what parts a style rule is composed of. When we learn everything is much simpler.

Each style rule is made up of the selector, the property, and the value.

In the next lesson we will see step by step the types of selectors and how they work.

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02 style rules Course CSS for WordPress

css course style rules

As you have seen in this tutorial, once you know the syntax, everything is simpler.

Don't try to memorize all the properties there are. The most used you will learn without realizing it and the rest knowing that it exists is enough.

See you in the next tutorial.

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