Install and prepare Visual Studio Code for Hugo

We continue with him Hugo's Course, this time we are going to choose a program to create our content.

This is the point that you can get used to the most if you come from a content manager like WordPress. If you're used to pretty environments and you drag with the button here you have to roll up your sleeves and have a little faith.

Believe me, it's worth getting used to but I'm not going to lie, it's hard at first.

We can use any text editing program you want, but in this course we are going to use one that will help you write content and work easily with configuration files.

The chosen program is Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Code It is very simple to use, it is free and it also has a lot of plugins that will allow us to add functionalities that will make our work much easier.

In today's lesson we are going to install a series of plugins or extensions that I myself use when working with Hugo.

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04 Install and Configure Visual Studio Code

install visual studio code

I hope you liked it, see you in the next tutorial.

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