MailPoet: Your Solution for Transactional Emails in WordPress

A common headache on a web page is the sending transactional emails.

In this tutorial I am going to tell you how to fix it in 3 clicks thanks to mailpoet.

MailPoet is a recognized plugin for sending marketing emails, In this other tutorial I talk about MailPoet in depth.

But MailPoet not only sends Marketing emails but also it also allows you to send Transactional emails.

And this article is about this functionality.

Straight to the point

To activate Mailpoet's functionality to send your emails, you just have to go to your WordPress desktop, click on Settings -> Advanced and activate the option:

“The current sending system – MailPoet Sending Service (recommended)”

Here is a screenshot of the option:

activate sending emails transactions mailpoet

And that's it, now check that your emails are sent and received without problems.

We live in a time when free versions of Email Marketing tools are very generous. Seize it! I predict this will change very soon.

In detail

There are 3 types of web hosting and believe me you need a transactional email sending solution in all of them.

The usual types of Hosting for WordPress are:

  • Shared Hostings
  • Dedicated Servers
  • WordPress Managed Servers

Dedicated Servers

I don't want to get technical (it's a nice way to sneak around because I know little about the subject) but under a dedicated server you have two other options: Managed and Unmanaged.

In my early days I made the mistake of setting up and managing my own server. I will not go into detail, I will only tell you that this decision is "My worst decision EVER"

Although you can also have a Managed server and get rid of the server configuration, sending emails is a very complex issue as I will explain a little later and I recommend using a third party service to do it. They are free or very cheap, depending on the number of emails sent, but it is well worth it.

Shared Hosting

On the scale of the best hosting, the shared ones are at the bottom. It seems "counterintuitive" that the worst type of hosting has the functionality of sending emails.

How can it be? Very easy, shared hosting does not compete in quality of functionality, but in quantity.

It is very difficult to explain to someone (inexperienced) that paying for hosting does not come with a functionality, a priori, as basic as it is for your website to send emails.

How is it possible that I am spending a lot of money on accommodation and my website does not have that option?

But cheap hostings opt for the easiest solution: Offer the possibility of sending transactional emails despite the fact that they work poorly.

I invite you to do this reflection:

If it is so easy to send emails, why are there so many professional email sending tools?

I already answer you:

Sending Emails is easy, the hard part is getting them.

Getting the emails is NOT something trivial, in fact this has a name: Deliverability.

Shared hosting suffers from very poor email deliverability, and this is normal, sending emails is difficult.

I learned it after years of using shared hosting, when I decided to take a leap in quality I came across Kinsta (The best hosting I've ever used) and despite not being cheap I was shocked when I saw that it used to send transactional emails. SendGrid, and they did not offer it internally.

In fact, my decision to hiring Kinsta was seriously jeopardized. Not so much because my website was not able to send emails, already solved with Sendgrid, but because they didn't offer emails under my domain. We return to the same principle, Configuring emails is too important to do it wrong.

To have an email with your domain I recommend Google Apps or create a free domain with Cloudflare.

Here's a tip:

Never trust sending emails from your own server.


Sending emails is not easy, don't leave it to the chance of your server. Use a professional service so that the emails sent by your website arrive.

Nothing is worse than a user of your website buys and does not receive confirmation or fill out a contact form and you do not find out.

I hope this tutorial has been useful to you.

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