How to Make a Page

Guerrilla's New CSS Course for WordPress

Many of you have asked me and the day has come 😉 Here you have the first lesson of the Guerrilla WordPress CSS Course.

What will I find in the course?

In this course we are going to give birth from scratch and I am going to teach you how to modify WordPress day-to-day oriented CSS.

It is not a pure CSS course, but we are going to see how to use it in projects made with WordPress.

The first objective of the course is that we know how to modify the appearance of the template that you are using.

I have detected that a high percentage of you ask me questions to modify the appearance of the CSS that could be fixed with very little CSS and that is why I have created this course 😉

We will go as far as you ask me, but my intention is to demystify CSS editing on our website.

We are going to see the entire course in the specific case of WordPress.

Every week new lesson and here is the first one:

To see the course you have to be a Premium Member. If you are not subscribed to the Premium Zone you can give sign up for €10/month here

01 Introduction to CSS WordPress Guerrilla Course

01 css wordpress guerrilla course

In this first video we will introduce the course, how the WordPress style sheet behaves and how to use the browser itself to view and modify CSS, all thanks to Chrome's element inspector.

The element inspector provided by chrome is one of the most underused tools and it is really powerful.

We will also see extension we can use in chrome to help us with the CSS.

We will open a CSS file of a WordPress template and learn the most basic concepts to see how the style rules are created within the CSS file and what parts each style rule consists of.

We will also see how WordPress allows us to add CSS rules without touching the template of our website.

All this from scratch.

I hope you like this first lesson and the ones to come.

Let's get to it 😉

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