Allow users themselves to add products to the Listable template listings

Hello guys,

Many of you have asked me how we can get the users themselves to add the products in Listable. In this video we will see how to do it 😉

To achieve this we will need two plugins:

To ensure that the same users create the products, we have to configure a series of options that we will see step by step in the tutorial.

To follow this tutorial you need to have the Listable template. you can buy from here or download from the Premium Zone for free. You can register for €10/month here and you can unsubscribe at any time

Create a seller account

The first thing will be to convert the user into a seller on our website.

  • We will see how to do it manually, that is, that it be the administrator himself who creates the account of each of the sellers.
  • Create a form so that the users themselves create the account, the account must then be approved by the web administrator.

We will also see how we can make sellers create approved products automatically or that are pending approval by the web administrator.

49 Create products in the lists by the user

Allow the users themselves to add products in the lists of the Listable 1 template

We can also choose the % of the sale that we are going to share with the seller and how much we are going to keep.

I know that with this tutorial we opened a very big "melon" and that a lot of new tutorials will emerge on this topic.

I hope you like it 😉

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