Featured Post Grid with Random Background Color in Genesis

Hello guys,

In this tutorial we are going to create a featured post grid with random background color in a Genesis template.

It should work in any Genesis template.

The end result is the following:

Subscribe to my channel:  

To achieve this we have to keep in mind that it only works if the article has a featured image.

Step 1:

In the example the name of the category is featured, the 8 featured articles in our grid have to be from a certain category that we can define in the code that we are going to add to functions.php

You can change it in the line where it says 'category_name' => 'featured',

Step 02:

Create a file called home.js in the js folder inside the Genesis child template directory.

With the following content:

To view this content you must be a member of the Premium Zone, If you are not subscribed to the Premium Zone you can give sign up for €10/month here

I hope you liked it 😉

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