Using Shortcodes in WooCommerce to Create Custom Category Pages

Hi Guys, how are you?

In this video I am going to show you something super useful when you have your store in WooCommerce:

The use of Shortcodes or short codes to add products where we want

What do means this?

We may link to different products or categories from any page or post on our website. In other words, we do not have to settle for the pages where the products come from, such as the product category page or the store page.

How can this be done? Very easy:

Here is the video tutorial:

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Let's look at this example:

I have a page with products already loaded

woocommerce products

If we see the page inside, we can see that we do not have any products on this page, the only thing we have is a Shortcode or short code.

woocommerce category shortcode

With this code what we are telling WooCommerce is to list the products by categories, specifically the Shoes category and to show 4 columns.

woocommerce shoes category

If I changed the code and said to show 3 columns, I would only have to change the 4 to the 3 inside the code:

3 products row woocommerce

And the result would be:

result 3 products row woocommercepng

The beauty of using Shortcode is that it allows me to create more complete pages than the ones that come by default.

For example, I can add text above the code and add several categories on a single page.
In the following example, the products of the category shoes and the products of the category dresses are displayed:

woocommerce dresses category

shortcodes categories

The result would be the following:

best shoes

3 woocommerce dresses

I have been able to gather the Shoes and Dresses products on a single page, we have also placed a text to improve and indicate some characteristics of my products.

As you can see, using short codes is very powerful, since I will not only be able to show the Categories page, but also list everything I want within a single page.

And it is not only that, we can use many more codes that WooCommerce gives us in its documentation. Here is the link:

I hope that this Post will help you, it will be very useful to you and you already know that you have me here.

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