How to add images in widgets in wordpress

Hi guys 😉

Here I am again with a tip that can get you out of trouble.

In many occasions we want add an image or any other type of markup inside a widget, for this, what I used to advise (for those who do not master html) was to create a blog entry and click on the text tab so that wordpress would show you the html as we see in the following screenshot:




And then go to the text widget type and paste the html that we had previously copied. Although the method is easy it can be cumbersome, if this is your case you are in luck 😉 I have discovered the plugin Black Studio TinyMCE Widget which what it does is create a widget called visual Editor with the possibility of adding images, bold etc from the widget itself:

visual editor widget


I hope it will be useful to you 😉




2 comments on “How to add images to widgets in wordpress”

  1. Super useful widget and information. I also have a question: do you know how to cut the space between the generated images between the widgets? For example, I want to place several images in my sidebar and they are very separated. Thanks for your attention.

    • Hello Noriaki,
      I'm glad you like it.
      Can you show me where you have put the images to see if I can help you? Surely it has to do with the margin placed in the style sheet but if I see it I'll tell you for sure 😉

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