Show Standard Paypal Settings Options in WooCommerce

If you are like me and you hate changes, this little tutorial will make you very happy 😉

Until version 5.5 of WooCommerce we did not have to install any plugin to be able to use Paypal as a payment method in WooCommerce.

Even if you needed recurring payments in WooCommerce you could configure it with the version of Paypal that comes in the core.

But one day you are going to configure your umpteenth WooCommerce and you look silly because you cannot find the Paypal options within WooCommerce.

Show hidden Paypal options in WooCommerce

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As you can see in this WooCommerce post the options still exist but are hidden in the new installations.

They continue to work perfectly in the old versions but in the new ones they are hidden by default.

Don't worry, we can show the options 😉

To display them we have to add the following code in the functions.php file of our template:


Add the modification to a child theme, don't do it in the main template

add_filter( 'woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard', '__return_true' );

And once you have added the above code to your template, you will see that within the WooCommerce Payment options, all the Standard Paypal payment options appear as if by magic:

WooCommerce standard paypal payment options

Add New Paypal Plugin for WooCommerce

Although I recognize that the previous option is the one that I like the most, the most recommended is to use the new plugin that WooCommerce has created for Paypal:

Now you can choose to enter the new version or to show the options of a lifetime.

I hope it has been useful to you.

All the best

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