What to do when our website does not send emails from the forms (Video Tutorial)

Hi guys,

On many occasions, we install a contact plugin like contact form 7 and see that it doesn't work, that it doesn't send emails.

In a high percentage of the time the problem is from the server where we have the web hosted. To avoid this problem, the best solution is that the emails from our website are not sent by our server.

How to do it? with chuck

Mandrill is a service specialized in sending emails, in fact it belongs to the company Mailchimp.

The service is free for up to 12000 emails per month, which is more than enough for us.

In addition, to configure our website made in wordpress we have the plugin WpMandrill which will make our work much easier.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, we go to Settings –> Mandrill and it will ask us for an API KEY to be able to use Mandrill.

To do this, we create an account in Mandrill and once we have configured the DNS as requested, we go to the settings –> SMTP & API Info option and create an API.

Now we just need to go back to our website, add the API KEY and test that our website really already sends mails.

Here is the video of the whole process:

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