Remove Overlay (Dark Layer) from images in Listable

I receive many emails about why in the listable template the images are darker than the images that we upload really are.

In the Listable template, the images are dark as it is indicated in the CSS of the template.

To give you an idea of ​​what I'm talking about, I'll show you an example:

This is how it comes by default with the overlay:

listable overlay on

And this is how it would look if Listable didn't add this dark layer on top:

listable overlay off

How you can see the difference is great.

If you want the image to look the way you upload it, you need to modify the CSS as I show in the following video:

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In the video you can see how easy it is to remove the dark layer with a bit of CSS.

Here are the rest of the Listable tutorials

I hope you liked it 😉

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