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plugin 3


Before seeing how the plugins work, we have to know what they are:

Plugins are programs that we can add to WordPress to increase the functionality of our WordPress

Let's imagine that we need to convert our website into a Store.

By default WordPress does not have any features, but thanks to plugins we can add that functionality. Specifically to convert our website into a store we have to add the Woocommerce plugin.

To know what plugins we have installed we can go to Plugins –> Installed plugins:

Installed Plugins

As we have mentioned, each plugin adds new functionality to our website and also adds new configuration options.

For example, in the previous screenshot we can see that the option appears on the side SG Optimizer

SG Optimizer

That is because we have installed the corresponding plugin.

Uninstall Plugins

If we deactivate the plugin, those options would naturally disappear.

To deactivate a plugin, we just have to click deactivate on the plugin we want to uninstall:

Deactivate WordPress plugins

Best WordPress Plugin

I'm not going to lie to you, installing plugins can become an addiction 😉

When you discover that by installing a plugin your website does a thousand other things you become addicted, it's normal, don't worry, it's happened to all of us.

But we have to be aware that each plugin we install is a new program that consumes resources within your server, so each plugin makes your website a little slower.

Never install a plugin that you don't really need. Remember:

The best plugin is the one you don't install.

I don't mean that you don't install that functionality that you really need. What I mean is that you should not install a plugin just because it “maybe” be useful to you. Or because you think it's pretty.

It is good policy to be cautious and not install what you really don't need.

add plugin

We have seen how to see the installed plugins, we have seen how to uninstall them and we still need to install them.

To install a plugin is very simple, we are going to Plugins –> Add new and we will find a screen full of plugins to install:

Add new WordPress plugin

In the previous screenshot we can see that the featured plugins appear directly.

But if we want to install a specific plugin we have a search engine to find the one we need.

The plugins that appear to us and among which we can search are free plugins. To add them to our website we just have to click on Install Now and later on Activate:

Install and activate plugins in WordPress

Plugins I recommend

As you can see, each plugin is a world and opens up a universe of possibilities but also new "things" to learn.

In addition to the free plugins, there are paid plugins, many of them are worth it, but this will depend on each specific case.

For this reason, I have created specific plugin courses that are essential, such as the WooCommerce course.

My recommendation is that you have your header plugins to delve into them as much as you can and be really an expert on them.

Watch out for shiny object syndrome. There will always be a cooler plugin that you don't have 😉

plugin 3