Admin Columns Pro Tutorial

When we are managing WordPress we spend half our lives on the all posts page. And when we want we are doing certain repetitive tasks that can only be done by editing the article, we wonder if we can do all those tasks without leaving the list of all entries. Well yes, yes you can, thanks to Admin Columns Pro.

Admin columns has two versions, the free one that you can download from here or the Pro version.

The pro version you can buy from here or if you are a premium member You have it available for free in the members area.

The pro version has very interesting options, such as editing from the list of entries itself, as we will see a little later.

I don't know about you, but I spend half my life in the WordPress administration area and sometimes you feel that you don't stop going from one place to another modifying aspects that you think could be together.

This is what Admin Columns Pro is wonderful for 😉

Here is the video tutorial:

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Once installed you have all the options within Settings –> Admin Columns.

admin columns

We can add columns or fields in:

  • Appetizers
  • Pages
  • Comments
  • Media coverage
  • Users
  • Categories
  • Tags

Reorder Fields

We just have to drag and drop the field we want to move and update.

Once done, we just go to the list of all the entries and we will see the fields in the new order.

Online edition

This option is the one you will use the most. It allows you to modify the field you want from the list itself without having to enter the post or element you want to modify.

For a field to be edited online we have to display the field and check the option
"yes" in "Inline Editing"

inline editing

Once we have at least one field with this option selected, when we enter the list of entries we find that a new button appears that says "Online editing"

post line editing

If the button is marked we will see a pencil next to the field that we can modify and by clicking we can edit directly:

edit admin columns field

The online editing option, by default, is disabled, so every time we enter the list if we want to use it we will have to click on the button.

If you want to have the option active by default you have to go to Settings -> Admin Columns Settings -> and check the option "Enable online editing for custom fields." By default disabled»

Add Fields

To add a field we just click on "Add Column", in Type we choose the field we want to add, for this example "Featured Image".

Once the field is chosen, it will show you the options of that field, depending on the one you choose there will be some options or others.

The ones that always appear are:

  • Inline Editing: Edit in the list
  • Sorting: Sort by that column in the list
  • Filtering: Filter by that column
options fields admin columns

Remember to check “Inline Editing” if you want to edit the field from the list as you see in the following image:

featured image admin column

Add Filters

When we work on WordPress listings we have a series of filters right above the data:
input filters

In the previous image, there are the date and category filters.

If we want to add new filters, we just have to choose the “filtering= Yes” option.

In the fields that come by default they do not appear, so you have to add a custom field to see this option.

Column Sets or different configurations

Admin Columns pro has a very interesting option and it is the possibility of having different column configurations and being able to use the one we want.

Let's imagine that sometimes we work editing more options and sometimes with less. We can have many columns preconfigured under one name and fewer columns under another name.

To create a new configuration we click on Add set:

add set admin columns

Once created, it appears above the columns so that we can select the set we want to work on:

column set new

Now when we go to the list we will see that we can change between sets as it suits us:

change sets

In addition to all the options we have seen, there are addons to be able to work with third-party plugins, such as: WooCommerce, Advanced Customs Fields and Yoast SEO.

How could you see Admin Columns Pro can make your life easier in WordPress 😉


Admin Columns Pro
Admin Columns Pro 2 Tutorial

Admin Columns Pro allows you to add custom fields within the Posts and Pages admin page

Price: Free

Operating system: Website

Application Category: WordPress plugin

Editor's Score:

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