Fix FacetWP Issue with Listable

Fix FacetWP Issue with Listable 1

Hi guys,

This article is very short but extremely useful if you are having problems with the FacetWP plugin in Listable.

As he announces to us FacetWP has removed old methods, which causes it to not work correctly in Listable.

When you go to search in Listable, the button does nothing and the search engine does not work. It only changes the color of the button but does nothing:

facetwp search engine listable

The creators of Listable are aware of the problem and in future updates they will fix the problem.

In the meantime we can fix it by adding the following line in our template's functions.php file:

add_filter( 'facetwp_load_deprecated', '__return_true' );

Add the code to the very end of the file to avoid problems.

You can add it from Appearance –> Theme editor –> Functions.php

enable-old methods facetwp

Remember to use a child template if you don't want to lose your changes when updating the template.

BEWARE of the permalinks

Also be careful with permalinks. Adrian (thank you very much ;)) told me that because of this bug it didn't work for him.

As Pixelgrade tells us, we have to configure the permanent links with any option except the one that comes by default:

“Make sure you set the permalinks to anything other than Simple. Permalink settings can be found by logging into the WordPress Dashboard and navigating to Settings → Permalinks; once you're there, choose from one of these highlighted options.”

Fix FacetWP Issue with Listable 2

I hope you find it useful.


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