Add a field with the costs of each product in WooCommerce

In this tutorial we will see how to add the costs in each product.

We will do it thanks to Cost of Goods plugin.

The plugin is available in the premium zone free for members or you can buy it for $79 here.

Here is the video tutorial:

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Once the plugins are installed, if we edit any product we find the following screen:

cost of good

This field will help us keep track of the costs of each product and see what the real benefit of each sale is.

This field will not be seen by the end user, only we can see it.

In addition to seeing the cost of each product when editing the products, we can also see it from the page of all products:

all products cost goods

I still have to explain one of the best features of this plugin, the statistics.

If I go to WooCommerce –> Reports, a new tab appears –> Profit

Here we see the gross sales, the costs and the net profit, something very interesting to draw conclusions about our business:

cost goods reports

Surely the Cost of Goods plugin is the easiest to install in history, but don't let its simplicity confuse us, it can be very useful 😉

The plugin is available in the premium zone free for members or you can buy it for $79 here.

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