Clear the cache on facebook of an image you share from your blog

On some occasion you have gone to share an article from your blog on Facebook and you have realized that the representative image that comes out is not the best. Then you change it on your blog, you share it again on facebook but the one you have removed continues to appear.

Why it happens? It happens because facebook to load faster adds it to its cache and no matter how hard you try, the photo that you no longer want to appear continues to appear.

How to solve it? on the blog i found the solution.

The solution is to clear the cache through the facebook tool «Facebook debugger»

You add the url you want to clean the cache and click on debug:



Once done, it tells us since when the cache has been done and cleans it so that when you share it again, it uses the new information.


It took me about 5 minutes, it was not immediate.

I hope it has been useful to you 😉



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