Difference between Domain and Hosting

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Difference between Domain and Hosting 1


We are used to surfing the internet.

We are unknowingly using Domains and Hosting on a daily basis.

Although we are using them on a daily basis, it does not mean that we know what is behind the scenes.

For example, when you enter this course, you access the URL https://comohacerunapagina.es/cursos/wordpress-basico/lecciones/dominios-y-alojamiento/

The url can be divided into 3 parts:

Difference between Domain and Hosting 2


There are many protocols but the ones we use the most in the browser are HTTP and HTTPS, secure data transfer protocol.

What you have to know is that it is important that you browse safely, that is, that your website starts with HTTPS


The domain of this website is howtomakeapage.com

It is the name that your website will have. When someone types the name of your website in the browser, a database is consulted to tell your connection which address your website is at.

The domain is just a fancy name for an Internet (IP) address. We can compare it to a post office box.

The most important thing is that you keep in mind that the domain is just the name or address of your website.

Its price is around €10 per year.

But only with the domain we can not do anything. Paying for the domain gives us the right to use it however we want, but we cannot create a website since we only have the name, without any other services.


It is the name that each page receives within your domain. Every time you write an article, a post or anything it will have a unique name that will hang from your domain.


When you hire a domain you have a beautiful name but nothing else 😉

I can't create a website?

No, to create a website you need, in addition to the domain, an internet space to host your website.

This is where Hosting or Server comes into play.

Hosting is the server where you upload the files to your website. The domain has to point to the server.

Internally, what happens is that there is an Internet database (DNS) in which the domain name is indicated and to which server the traffic must be directed when a person types it in the browser.

To have a professional website we need a name (domain) and a computer (hosting).

I realize that it is easier to use it than to explain it 😅

Where to hire the Domain and Hosting?

If you do not have much experience, my recommendation is that you buy both the domain and the hosting in the same place since everything will be configured as standard and you do not have to worry about anything.

Also, if you do it in SiteGround They give you the domain when you buy the hosting.

In the next lesson we dive into creating our first page 😉

Difference between Domain and Hosting 1